Divine Worship Services
Trinity Lutheran Church
1850 Cranston Rd., Beloit, WI 53511
E-Mail: trinity@trinitybeloit.org
8:30 a.m. Bible Study
One Single Service at 9:30 a.m. w/Lord's Supper
Fellowship after the service at 10:30 a.m. with the exception of summer.
Occasional Wednesdays:
6:30 p.m. Divine Service (During Advent)
6:30 p.m. Divine Service (During Lent)
Lent begins Ash Wednesday, March 05, 2025
Palm Sunday April 13, 2025
Easter Sunday is April 20, 2025
Also Enjoy Our Weekly Sermon
SERMON FEB 2 2025 Purification of Mary
Check Out the Weekly Announcements
Check Out Our Service on You Tube trinitybeloit8160 (Subscribe to YouTube if needed and click on LIVE near church picture)
Check Out https://www.lcms.org/convention
National Pastor Convention Information
Welcome to our Website
At Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, the emphasis is on unconditional love and acceptance for members of the congregation and for members of the community. Visit us and discover boundless opportunities for personal and spiritual growth, along with meaningful ways to make a real difference in your community. You will be greeted with genuine warmth and embraced by a supportive extended family. We invite you to come and share in the joy of the Good News that God actually loves everyone. Our happiness, hope and eternal good matter to Him so much that he allowed His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay for all our sins in full and give us life in heaven by having taken our punishment on the cross for us.
Our pastor is Pastor Randall Senn. His wife is Becky! He was installed as our Pastor on Sunday, May 20th, 2018. Please visit our church and meet Pastor Senn!
Sunday School is held after the church service, from 10:45 - 11:15 during Fellowship Time. This is temporarily cancelled due to lack of children in attendance.
Masks are not required! They are optional if you are uncomfortable or have not had the vaccinations.
We are excited that we have a new parking lot! Thank you to all who contributed in any way. No longer will we need to worry about the many cracks in the asphalt. It is newly paved and marked for parking ease! It was completed in August of 2022.
The congregation of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

Becky and Pastor Randall Senn