What We Believe and Teach
GOD: God is Triune, Father, Son, Holy Spirit; three persons, one divine essence. He is the only true God: Matt. 28:19; 1 Cor. 8:4.
JESUS: Jesus is God, equal to the Father, the only Savior of mankind: John 5:23, 14:6; Acts 4:12.
SIN: All mankind is born in sin; by nature man is spiritually blind, dead and an enemy of God, condemned to eternal damnation outside of Christ: Psalms 51:5; Rom. 3:23.
SCRIPTURE: The Bible is inspired by God, without error: 11 Tim. 3:16; John 10:35.
JUSTIFICATION: The world has been reconciled to God through the death and resurrection of Jesus, and all sins have been forgiven through Him. God no longer holds our sins against us, but has declared us righteous: 2 Cor. 5:19; Rom. 4:15.
CONVERSION: The creation of faith in Christ is entirely the work of the Holy Spirit, not by some "decision" or "experience" by man. Conversion is worked by the Gospel and Holy Baptism: 1 Pet. 1:23; John 3:5-6.
HOLY BAPTISM: Baptism creates faith, washes away sins, saves, all as a gracious work of the Holy Spirit: John 3:5-6; Acts 22:16; 1 Pet. 3:21.
HOLY COMMUNION: (Our Lord's Supper) is Christ's true Body and Blood, really present in the bread and wine, for the forgiveness of sins: Mt. 26:26-28; 1 Cor. 11:23-29; 1 Cor. 10:16. We practice "Closed Communion" as an expression of unity in God's Word: Rom. 16:17; 1 Cor. 1:10; 1 Cor. 10:16-17.
CREATION: The world was created as described in Genesis 1-2. Evolution is unscriptural, unscientific, unnecessary: Gen. 1:1; Heb. 11:3; Ps. 33:6.
2ND COMING OF CHRIST: Judgment Day will come suddenly and unexpectedly. There is no secret return of Christ or millennium: 2 Pet. 3:10; Mk. 13:32; Matt. 24.
You are invited to join the congregation in worship and hearing the Word of God. Please come!
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a confessional church, meaning that it adheres to a certain confession, or statement of faith. We believe in the whole teaching of the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God. We believe the teaching expressed in the 1580 Book of Concord is completely faithful to the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. To view any portion of the Book of Concord, go to www.bookofconcord.org
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a confessional church, meaning that it adheres to a certain confession, or statement of faith. We believe in the whole teaching of the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God. We believe the teaching expressed in the 1580 Book of Concord is completely faithful to the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. To view any portion of the Book of Concord, go to www.bookofconcord.org