Sunday School
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Children are a gift from God. God has entrusted them to parents, and also to the Church. We are to help parents in bringing up children in the ways of the Lord. Our Sunday School here at Trinity is a vibrant, Christ-centered program with opportunities for children from 2 years old and up (that included even the 100+ year olds!)
The curriculum used here at Trinity is the “Growing in Christ” series published by Concordia Publishing House. This curriculum connects the Sunday School with the Divine Service, as they learn about Bible stories that correlate with the readings for each week and also the seasons of the Church Year.
We are blessed with excellent teachers for our classes. Each of them has been given the sacred task of teaching God’s Word to others, in particular these little gifts from God.
Each Sunday the children gather together for a Sunday School opening, and on the first Sunday of the month, the whole congregation joins in the opening. The opening involves reading Scripture, singing hymns, an offering that goes to a local charity, and also a short devotion on the texts for the day. The children then move off to their classes and learn about our victorious Lord Jesus Christ and all of what He has done for them.
The children also get the opportunity to have memory work throughout the year. This is customized to the age group of the child, and it is geared toward helping them easily enter the Confirmation process and Catechism classes. Good work is often rewarded with treats!
Throughout the year, there are also special events like Craft Sundays. These are times when the children are assembled for some extra fun craft projects. Reformation Day (Halloween) is celebrated by the whole congregation by doing “Trunk or Treat”, which creates a safe environment for our children to have some good fun in costume. The children are also invovled in our Christmas Eve services. A Birthday party for Jesus is also a nice event to celebrate our Lord’s Incarnation.
Usually our classes kick off in September. The program continues through the year and ends in May.